Progressives BETRAYED! Democratic party official platform is now pro FRACKING, pro Monsanto, pro TPP, anti GMO labeling

‘Because of the diverse audience we attract, there are a lot of Natural News readers who are still supporting the Democrats. If you’re one of those people, it’s time for you to question what you’re really supporting because you may not be aware that the democratic party openly supports fracking, Monsanto, vaccine mandates, chemical agriculture and the TPP. On top of that, they’re mostly opposed to GMO labeling, too. Only Sen. Sanders really stood up to the biotech industry on that point, and now after the DNC email leaks, you know how the democrat establishment hosed Sanders with a vindictive smear campaign to destroy his chances of winning the nomination.
The truth is, the Democrat party is not a party of progressive ideas. Even the progressive news website Common Dreams has authored this piece blasting the DNC for its betrayals.’
Read more: Progressives BETRAYED! Democratic party official platform is now pro FRACKING, pro Monsanto, pro TPP, anti GMO labeling

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