Radiation emitted from smart meters 100 times greater than cell phones – and exposure is constant, doctors warn

‘Energy companies are billing them as the “green” solution to traditional meters. But are so-called “smart” meters really all that smart? And, more importantly, are they really as safe as we’re all being told they are?
Some 65 million American homes already have them, and more are being converted all the time, even against the will of some homeowners. And yet many doctors agree that smart meters are a potential health threat due to constant releases of radiation.
Smart meters operate via a two-way communications system in which energy usage is tabulated wirelessly inside the meter and transmitted to the energy company that owns it. No longer do energy trucks have to go around town once a month to check individual meters; everything is done automatically and wirelessly. Pretty simple, right?’
Read more: Radiation emitted from smart meters 100 times greater than cell phones – and exposure is constant, doctors warn 

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