Report: $40 Billion US Missile Defense System is Useless

‘The missile defense system put in place to protect Americans from North Korean nuclear weapons has been declared in a recent report as “unable to protect the US public.”
Released Thursday by the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), the report recommends that the White House cease expanding the Ground Based Midcourse Defense system, also known as the GMD, until the system’s technical issues have been resolved.
Written by three expert missile-defense physicists, the report reads, in part, “The story of this system is a cautionary tale about how the lack of appropriate oversight of a politically charged missile defense program has led to a system in tatters…Despite more than a decade of development and a bill of $40 billion, the GMD system is simply unable to protect the US public.”‘
Read more: Report: $40 Billion US Missile Defense System is Useless

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