Rio’s filthy, polluted waters obstruct practice runs for Olympic sailors, as boats collide with trash, dead animals and more

‘Of the many challenges facing athletes in the upcoming Rio de Janeiro Summer Olympics, perhaps none is more daunting than what is likely to be encountered by those competing in sailing and rowing events.
The problem is with pollution and floating rubbish in the water where these competitions will be held. Not only is there an issue with the huge amount of floating debris in Guanabara Bay – which may cause logistical problems for sailors – but there are potential health risks as well, due to raw sewage and other contaminants present in the water.
A pair of Australian sailors, Mat Belcher and Will Ryan, who happen to be the favorites in the 470 class sailing competition, say that the debris is hampering their training efforts in the weeks leading up to the Games.’
Read more: Rio’s filthy, polluted waters obstruct practice runs for Olympic sailors, as boats collide with trash, dead animals and more

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