Saudi Arabia is Setting a Trap for Moscow Yet Again

‘Apparently, Washington has decided to crush Russia along with Iran and Syria, without waiting for the arrival of Hillary Clinton as a newly elected head of state. It looks like behind the scenes, rulers of America are afraid of the possible victory of Donald Trump during the upcoming election. Therefore, they are in a rush to achieve their primary strategic goal – to bring down Vladimir Putin and induce regime change in Russia at any cost.
In a bid to achieve this goal they are relying on two strategies – the dropping of oil prices and the undermining of Russia’s and Iran’s positions in Syria. The recent scandal with the Olympics, brilliantly organized by Washington, London, Paris and Berlin, has struck a painful blow to Moscow’s reputation. A possible defeat in Syria could be even more painful, especially if it is accompanied by continuously decreasing oil prices, which would undermine Russia’s economy. These days, America has no time to spare, and it’s not only presidential elections that forces Western think tanks to work around the clock.’
Read more: Saudi Arabia is Setting a Trap for Moscow Yet Again

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