Scientists Say A Mystery Species Bred with Ancient Humans in Distant Past

‘A new study of the genomes of Australasians has revealed sections of DNA that do not match any known hominin species. The dramatic findings mean that a mystery species bred with ancient humans in the distant past and that our family tree is much more complex than previously believed.
New Scientist reports that the unknown species bred with early human ancestors when they migrated from Africa to Australasia.
The surprising finding, published in the journal Nature Genetics, was made by Jaume Bertranpetit at Pompeu Fabra University in Spain and his colleagues, who examined the genomes of living Indigenous Australians, Papuans, people from the Andaman Islands near India, and from mainland India. The results revealed sections of DNA that did not match any previously identified hominin species.’
Read more: Scientists Say A Mystery Species Bred with Ancient Humans in Distant Past

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