Seven Police Officers Reportedly Shot, Three Feared Dead in Baton Rouge Ambush

‘CNN is reporting that at least seven police officers were shot with three of them are feared dead in a shooting in Baton Rouge, Louisiana Sunday morning.
The attack was said to be an ambush, after police reportedly received a call of a “suspicious person walking down Airline Highway with an assault rifle,” according to CNN’s source. When police arrived to check out the situation, the man, reportedly clad in black and a face mask, opened fire.
The situation is still unfolding. According to Kip Holden, the mayor-president of East Baton Rouge Parish, said authorities were still trying to get a handle on the situation, “There is still an active scene. They are investigating,” he said. “Right now we are trying to get our arms around everything.”‘
Read more: Seven Police Officers Reportedly Shot, Three Feared Dead in Baton Rouge Ambush

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