Should Straight White Men Kill Themselves?

Last week I talked about that ingrate Aziz Ansari and how nobody stops to question Indians when they complain about racism, even though they represent the wealthiest ethnic group in the country. Nobody even notices they’re Indian. They just see a brown person pointing a finger and immediately kowtow to whatever ridiculous narrative is being spat out. The most over-the-top example of this just blew up the internet and involved an NYC K–8 school that teaches white children they are evil and rewards black kids with cupcakes. Anshu Wahi, the school’s “director of diversity,” is behind an initiative that uses segregation to reward “kids of color” and isolate white kids while insisting they’ve been racist since birth. It’s wildly absurd, but it’s also what she was assigned to do. This is what many Americans expect us to believe, especially women such as Executive Director of Faculty Diversity Cathy Cramer, who hired Wahi. And the bogus rants of story time aren’t reserved for backwards schools on the Upper West Side. The majority of the mainstream media parrots Wahi’s fairy tale.

That’s why a roomful of journalists gushed when Hasan Minhaj blamed the Oregon shooting on gun violence. “Gun violence” is code for “legal gun owners,” which is a fancy way of saying “white people.” They like talking about the mass-shooter epidemic because they assume mass shooters are white, but that’s just more fiction. I’ve heard estimates as high as blacks being three times as likely to be mass shooters when balanced with population proportion, but even Mother Jones admits that white mass shooters are at least on par with every other race. Unfortunately, that doesn’t fit the bedtime story so we remain focused on Dylann Roof’s Confederate flag. The media closed its eyes and went to sleep when Bonifacio Oseguera-Gonzalez shot four people, leaving three dead, in Oregon last week. He had already been deported six times and as Hot Air reported on Saturday,

Oseguera went on his killing spree within days of the anniversary of the death of Kate Steinle. Her killer, Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, had entered the country illegally five times before finally killing Kate in San Francisco and her family has still not received an adequate answer as to how they lost their child.

A traitor’s father is invited to the White House to praise Allah while millions die in the name of jihad, but our own citizens are ignored when our porous borders leave them dead. You start to wonder why the children e-book narrative is so much more popular. It involves so many more deaths. Ethnomasochism doesn’t just leave you massacred. It leaves you with nothing. That’s why they call it suicidal.

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By reacting to shootings with gun-free zones you are creating a safe space for more shootings. It’s bad for everyone and that includes the minorities these myths are meant to protect.

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