Soros Plots European Order Coup: EU Will Disintegrate, Rise Again Under ‘New Marshall Plan’

‘The Problem: Europe is on the verge of collapse
“You break it, you buy it.” We’ve all heard the maxim, meant to be cautionary warning to clumsy shoppers that the store will not pay for any losses. But on the global scale, it is a recipe to buy up the broken pieces of nations, businesses and entire continents (or at least their most valuable assets) for pennies on the dollar.
It is this type of maneuver that should be considered when looking at the true impact of Brexit, as well as the true reasons for the intense migrant crisis that hit Europe like a wave during the past couple of years.
For instance, the UN Migration Chief Peter Sutherland, who happens to be non-executive chairman of Goldman Sach International and a steering member of the Bilderberg committee, literally called for migration as a weapon in order to “undermine” the homogeneity and sovereignty of European nations:’
Read more: Soros Plots European Order Coup: EU Will Disintegrate, Rise Again Under ‘New Marshall Plan’

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