South Korean Government Tries to End the Investigation of the Sewol Ferry Sinking and Silence Victims
‘The Committee of the Families of the 16 April 2014 MV Sewol Ferry Disaster Victims (or the 4.16 Families Committee) have urged the government of the Republic of Korea to stop trying to stop the investigative work of the Court of Inquiry about the sinking of the Japanese-built Sewol Ferry. These family members who seek the truth and justice have been demonized or misrepresented in the South Korean media because of their opposition to the behaviour of South Korean authorities.
Many of the family members of the victims of the Sewol Ferry Disaster and other South Koreans either suspect the government of South Korea or its National Intelligence Service (NIS) of being involved in fowl play. The South Korean government assisted Chonghaejin Marine Company Ltd. favourably and has worked to conceal the events that took place.
Even more incriminating, two documents provide circumstantial evidence that suggests that the NIS may have owned the ship and used Chonghaejin as a front and may have even been involved in the sinking of the Sewol.’
Read more: South Korean Government Tries to End the Investigation of the Sewol Ferry Sinking and Silence Victims
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