Suddenly, a Palestinian breast cancer survivor becomes a ‘security threat’

Nadia Abu Nahla (Bakri), 52, who survived breast cancer, is very late for the periodic medical checkup she needs. In 2009, she was successfully treated at Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer. She underwent chemotherapy, an operation, radiation; she asked and received exit permits for all stages. Of all her family, only her mother was permitted to accompany her.
Afterward, Abu Nahla continued regular follow­ups with the team that treated her with dedication. It is known how critically important the followup is. The medical equipment needed for periodic exams is not found in the Gaza Strip. It is forbidden to import it. Severe limits on movement also impair the quality of treatment in Gaza. And in general, it is her right to remain under the supervision of the medical team that knows her so well.
Read more: Suddenly, a Palestinian breast cancer survivor becomes a ‘security threat’

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