Summer Fun: Hot Dogs, Fireworks

I suppose we’re all supposed to be shocked by this terrorist attack by ISIS over in Turkey just a couple weeks after the one in Orlando. I don’t suppose anyone will recall that Turkey is a NATO nation, like the United States who honchos the whole NATO shebang. Gosh, and Turkey is hopping mad and demanding revenge. Imagine that.

I wouldn’t think that the quiet buildup of U.S. military forces in the region might herald an invasion of Syria, would you? Nah, none of this has anything to do with that. I mean, according to the government, ISIS can only really be found in Syria. Well, except when they’re launching attacks in other countries, evidently unimpeded by the vast resources in electronic eavesdropping the government has. No, I don’t think that these attacks might be used to justify an invasion of Syria people would not otherwise support, do you?

If I had to predict when such an invasion would take place, I’d have to say probably August. Obama slipped up and mentioned that if the “civil war” in Syria didn’t end by then, the United States would need to step in. How very interesting that attacks from or inspired by ISIS are ramping up as August approaches. I think the invasion is already in progress. I think the military forces are already being put into place and quite a few are already there. Many placed in nearby regions, too, under the cover of “military exercises” which is, after all, how Germany invaded Poland in 1939.

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There’s a lot of theories out there about who benefits from this. There’s got to be some money or power or both involved here. All of this certainly is not about Bashar al-Assad. I would wonder if vast oil reserves have not been quietly discovered in Syria. Perhaps they want to slant drill into some neighboring country’s fields. I don’t know. But there is some tangible reason the government has gotten a hold of this and won’t let go of it. It’s gone beyond the ego factor.

I would think that the peace overtures to Iran have more to do with isolating Assad from a potential ally in an invasion than any genuine wish for peace with Iran on the part of the United States government. After Syria is conquered, Iran can be made the enemy again, if need be. The wild card here is Russia and that’s one reason that three NATO divisions have just been sent into Poland in the past month. I don’t think all the activity on the part of NATO in Eastern Europe and the Baltic nations has anything to do with Russia per se. But it has to do with sending a message to stay out of Syria if the United States and NATO invade.

People think such an invasion would never come on the doorstep of a presidential election. That’s one reason it just might. People might be lulled into a false sense of security that the Democrats wouldn’t risk an election to get into Syria. Right, but Hillary will play that up as the reason we “can’t afford” to make changes or take chances with “inexperience” and she’ll try to win the election based on that. They’re banking that no one will remember that, hey, this party STARTED the war. However, the way it will be sold is: “We’re getting tough on these terrorists! See?” Yes, I see it a bit more clearly than that.

Turkey will probably, in the next few days, invoke the NATO Suicide Pact of “an attack on one is an attack on all” and demand help to start bombing targets in Syria. Gosh, and weren’t some A-10 tank killer aircraft just sent over that way some time back? They’ll need those to take out Assad’s new T-90 tanks because those are impervious to the TOW anti-tank missiles we gave to ISIS, I mean, the Syrian moderates. It’ll be the United States that will first say that we stand firm with our NATO ally, blah, blah, blah. And, gee, we just happen to have a number of military assets in the region available for use. Not to mention aircraft carrier battle groups can sit right there and launch sorties into Syria with impunity.

But they’re throwing the dice on a gamble that Russia will not intervene on behalf of Assad. At some point, Russia is going to get tired of the United States spreading its wings in front of their face. They may or may not decide Syria is the proper place to do that. One thing Russia knows is that if NATO tried to come into Russia from Eastern Europe, they’ll soon be shaking hands with Napoleon’s army and Hitler’s army. Russia isn’t threatened by a NATO invasion. They don’t like them there, true. But the United States has not fought a winter war since World War Two and neither have NATO nations. And if the invasion of Syria is in August, and Russia joins Assad, Russia knows a retaliatory NATO invasion of Russia will bog down and fail in a scant few months.

However, if Russia decides it isn’t worth it, here’s how it’ll go down after the U.S. and NATO invade Syria. They’ll find Assad’s army is not Saddam’s army. The U.S. and NATO will incur some substantial losses, including aircraft, this time, tanks, and plenty of troops. Americans and Europeans will begin to fidget in their seats and the streets of Europe will erupt into riots. Very possibly American streets, too. But unless Assad gets lucky and sinks an aircraft carrier (which will scare the crap out of the American people), he won’t be able to wangle a cease-fire out of the United States. In time, U.S. and NATO forces will overcome Assad’s army and they’ll “win” the war. But not so fast.

What they will have “won” is a war against the army fighting ISIS in Syria. Meaning Syria will, within less than a week, be crawling with hardline Islamic radicals and guerillas looking to eject the American and European infidels. They’ll sit tight until Assad and his army are gone; even incurring losses since NATO will need to look like the war is against ISIS. They’ll probably cross the border into Turkey and hide in plain sight. But once Syria falls, those U.S. and NATO forces are going to be paper ducks on a conveyor belt in a shooting gallery. As was the case in Iraq, one by one, the European allies will fall away as losses anger their citizens back home. Leaving the United States, once more, fighting a war it cannot win after it thought it had a victory. Wars are not won in the Middle East with weapons and armies. They are won with time and patience. The Romans discovered that the hard way, too.

Obviously, if ISIS had as its goal the establishment of a hardline Islamic government in Syria, that goal has not changed if they still exist. Therefore, once Assad is gone, they will then see the only thing standing between them and their goal are U.S. and NATO military forces. They will remember that a guerilla war against them will bear fruit as casualties mount. The United States thinks once in Syria, it can eliminate Assad and ISIS in one swoop. Wrong. In fact, eliminating Assad and occupying Syria will create yet another resistance movement separate from ISIS which will be composed of ex-Syrian army soldiers, Syrians who will not submit to a U.S. government satrap, and Syrians who lost family members to American military operations. ISIS will be but one group of, I predict, three major guerilla armies that will often cooperate in a quasi-confederacy to eject the United States.

The United States does not have the ability to learn from past mistakes. Why? Because these clueless people continue electing the dummies that make them and allow them to do so even when it is revealed they’ve elected a tyrant. They buy into the “We’ve been attacked!” hogwash and will go along with a war every time. There is no reason the government cannot do as it pleases. There are no consequences for them. In fact, they’ll make money off the books ghost writers will scribble for them.

I wouldn’t put it past the government to start bombing Syria on the Fourth of July to really put the finishing touches on this Propaganda Masterpiece Theater. They’ll call it “Operation Independence Day Freedom”. That way, they can channel another cheesy, pathetic, over-the-top “patriotic” movie in this farce just as they did with the movie “The Patriot” after 9/11. Yeah, remember that? Then we had “The Patriot Act” and Bush telling us to “stay the course” when Iraq turned sour just like the lead hero in “The Patriot” was told after his son got killed. Right, stay the course this Independence Day for freedom and freedom and, oh, did we mention freedom?

The post Summer Fun: Hot Dogs, Fireworks appeared first on LewRockwell.

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