The $2 Drug Test

Although I have written over fifty articles on the injustice, hypocrisy, insanity, senselessness, inhumanity, and evils of the government’s war on drugs, I am still learning about just how destructive to life, liberty, and property the drug war can be.

Like the $2 drug test carried out by cops acting as chemists that could cost you everything.

According to a major story (“Busted”) by Ryan Gabrielson and Topher Sanders for ProPublica that was co-published with the New York Times Magazine, “Tens of thousands of people every year are sent to jail based on the results of a $2 roadside drug test” even though “widespread evidence shows that these tests routinely produce false positives.”

“You’re busted,” said Officer David Helms as he waved a vial in front of Amy Albritton’s face after forcing her to stand, handcuffed, in front of his patrol car in a Houston strip-mall parking lot on display for rush-hour traffic in the 93-degree heat.future descendants I would do it. Using cocaine is dangerous, unhealthy, immoral, and sinful. There, are you relieved? Are you sure now that I am not promoting cocaine use?

Since it is neither constitutional nor a legitimate purpose of the U.S. government to prohibit, regulate, restrict, license, limit, or otherwise control what any adult American wants to smoke, snort, sniff, inject, or swallow, it follows, as the night the day, that there should be no laws whatsoever concerning the buying, selling, possessing, using, or processing of cocaine in any form for any reason—or any other any drug for that matter.

It doesn’t matter what you personally think about cocaine. It doesn’t matter how dangerous cocaine is. It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks about those who use cocaine. It doesn’t matter how destructive cocaine use is. It doesn’t matter if someone you know died from a cocaine overdose. It doesn’t matter how addictive cocaine is. It doesn’t matter if cocaine dealers are bad people.

What matters is the proper role of government in a free society. Government prohibition of cocaine is inimical to a free society.

Legalize freedom; legalize cocaine.

The post The $2 Drug Test appeared first on LewRockwell.

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