The Attack in Nice: How Western Imperialism Breeds Terror

‘Perhaps one of the most striking features of the attack in Nice is not what occurred in France, but instead how the reaction exemplifies the selective humanity that we exhibit depending on where terrorism occurs.
The public, politicians, and the media all rightfully displayed outrage over the string of attacks that have been plaguing France over the past 18 months, as well as the recent Orlando shooting in the US, yet the level of outrage and media coverage never reaches the same levels when terrorism strikes other parts of the world, in particular the Middle East.
This in turn breeds a skewed perception in the West that it is a “battle of civilizations” that is being fought. It obscures by omission the fact that most of the terrorism committed by groups like al-Qaeda and ISIS is perpetuated against other Arabs in Muslim-majority countries.’
Read more: The Attack in Nice: How Western Imperialism Breeds Terror

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