The Clinton PSYOP…’We Are Being Played Again, Folks’…By Masters…

‘Essentially what this is — and the Lynch-Clinton meeting is the latest ingredient — we’re being set up for massive disappointment, depression, and dispiritedness. They’re making it look like, and they have all along, very possible Hillary Clinton could be indicted. They are toying with us. They’re dangling this carrot in front us. “This could be the time. This could be it when we finally get the Clintons once and for all.”
They drag it out, and they do things like this meeting that apparently compromises the whole thing and jeopardizes the whole thing, release information on all the emails they’re finding and Hillary’s IT takes the Fifth 125 times…
…My answer, by the way, from the get-go has always been, “She’s not gonna be indicted. There’s no way it’s gonna happen. You don’t understand the Democrat Party and their use of power if you think their presidential nominee is gonna be indicted by an Obama DOJ. Ain’t gonna happen.”‘
Read more: The Clinton PSYOP…’We Are Being Played Again, Folks’…By Masters…

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