The Dallas Murders

Paul Ryan had planned a vote on limiting suspected terrorists’ access to legal guns. This was correctly perceived by second amendment supporters as a sell-out.

A list that bars suspected terrorists from flying on a commercial airplane is inherently unconstitutional in the first place. Either the government arrests a suspected terrorist and tries him in court before a jury or else it takes his name off the list.

There should be no such list.

The New York Times reported this on July 6:

WASHINGTON — House Republican leaders on Wednesday backed away from plans to vote on a gun measure that already faced broad Democratic opposition after their own conservative members said they would also reject it.Speaker Paul D. Ryan had promoted legislation that would allow the government to block the sale or transfer of a gun if officials demonstrated to a judge within a few days that the buyer might have links to terrorism. But on Wednesday, Mr. Ryan stepped back from an itinerary that had included voting on that measure by the end of the week, saying that the bill still had a path to passage but that the House would vote on it “when we’re ready.”

I think Ryan is a standard politician. He decides in terms of political power, not principle.

The coordinated mass murders in Dallas are already being seen by Leftists as another opportunity to get a gun control bill passed by Congress.

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I did a Google search for these words: Dallas shootings “assault rifle”. Sure enough, I got hits.

London Mirror: Dallas police shooting: Horrifying footage shows moment police officer is executed with assault rifle at point blank range London Daily Mail: ‘They lied and said they had video of me shooting’: Dallas man spotted with assault rifle at protest was NOT one of the snipers who killed five police officers

CBS Local TV: Dallas rally organizer Cory Hughes recounted the moment he heard at least “30 gun shots” go off. “Whoever was shooting had an assault rifle — and I know guns. The shots were in rapid succession,” he said.

The media never see a rifle that is not an assault rifle. This is not because rifles are inherently not defense rifles. There are no “defense rifles.” This is because the phrase “assault rifle” is the initial phase of another round of calls for gun control laws.

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The post The Dallas Murders appeared first on LewRockwell.

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