The Goldwagon Won’t Wait

Between 1999, when gold bottomed at $250, and the 2011 peak at $1,920 there was only one major correction lasting 8 months in 2008. The ensuing correction from the 2011 top at $1,920 of almost $900 seemed to take an eternity until it finally finished in December 2015. During those four years, it was always clear to me that the uptrend in the precious metals was still intact although I must admit that I did not expect a correction of that duration. But after a long life in markets, patience becomes a virtue that is absolutely essential. If your investment decisions are based on sound principles at the outset, there is no reason to change your opinion because the market takes longer to accomplish what it must do.

Gold is the best protection against unprecedented risk

The post The Goldwagon Won’t Wait appeared first on LewRockwell.

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