The Internet Psyop & The Coming Collapse

‘A few weeks ago I predicted chaos in America  due to the fear-based political polarization which the looming and well-orchestrated Trump/Clinton presidential match up has produced.
Since then the wheels of this once-great nation appear to be coming off.
There was the Orlando false flag prosecuted by a Wackenhut agent, countless white supremacist police assassinations of black people and the Dallas response to that, a supposedly populist Brexit which was actually engineered by the City of London banksters and, quite appropriately and not coincidentally, a record heat wave throughout the nation.
Two weeks ago Rothschild lieutenant George Soros sold his US stock portfolio in favor of a short position on the US stock market, saying that in a best case scenario we are in for a deflationary depression, while at worst there will be riots and a class war in America. He ought to know, since his handlers are fomenting it.’
Read more: The Internet Psyop & The Coming Collapse

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