The Military Is an Unholy Institution

My articles are usually rated G for general audiences. I don’t normally write articles directed toward a particular group. But since the juggernaut of military idolatry is proceeding full speed ahead through conservative Christian churches, I must address conservative Christians directly.

Let me first say that I am a Bible-believing Christian, as conservative as they come. Probably more conservative than many nominal Christians would feel comfortable with. Although I am not an ordained minister, I am no stranger to preaching, teaching, and church work. I have earned degrees in theology, taught at a Bible college, and written a number of Christian books. I will put my conservative Christian credentials up against anyone. I think I know Christianity and Christians as well as anyone. My religious areas of expertise include theology, Greek, English Bible history in general and the history and text of the King James Bible in particular.

I say these things for two reasons. One, Christians sometimes stumble across my writings for the first time and assume that because I have said something critical about Christians that I must not be one. And two, conservative, evangelical, and fundamentalist Christians need to know that I am one of them, so to speak. I write not as some liberal Christian who denies the authority of the Bible and the cardinal doctrines of the Christian faith.

Hey conservative Christian pastors: The military is an unholy institution. Why don’t you also stop the military blasphemy you encourage in your church on the Sunday of, the Sunday before, or the Sunday after Memorial Day, July Fourth, and Veterans Day? Things like:

  • Asking active duty military and veterans to wear their uniforms to church
  • Recognizing active duty military personnel and veterans
  • Listing the names of church members who active duty military or veterans in the church bulletin
  • Having active duty military personnel and veterans stand
  • Applauding active duty military personnel and veterans
  • Having the pianist playing the song of each branch of the military during the offering
  • Asking military chaplains to speak
  • Having a military color guard parade down the main aisle of the church
  • Playing video tributes to the troops during the church services
  • Turning national holidays into military appreciation days

Hey conservative Christians and pastors: The military is an unholy institution. Repent of your military idolatry and blasphemy and repudiate the military.

The post The Military Is an Unholy Institution appeared first on LewRockwell.

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