The Paris Bataclan Terror Attack: Six French Military Were Present, Instructed Not to Intervene and People Died…

‘They were instructed according to their rules of engagement not to intervene, not to come to the rescue of the people inside the Bataclan nightclub or those in the street in front of the Bataclan. 89 people were killed, more than 100 wounded.
According to a Belgian news report (July 5), The night of the attack at the Paris Bataclan, November 13, 2015, six French military personnel of the Sentinelle Project (launched by France’s Ministry of Defense) were at the entry of the concert hall.
They did not intervene because the circumstances [pertaining to the Bataclan attacks] did not meet their “rules of engagement”, according to cdH [Political Party] Member of Parliament (Député) Georges Dallemagne in a Tuesday morning statement [July 5] on Belgium’s RTL TV.”’
Read more: The Paris Bataclan Terror Attack: Six French Military Were Present, Instructed Not to Intervene and People Died…

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