The Role of Multinational Oil and Mining Companies in the Genocide and Economic Marginalisation of the People of West Papua

‘Michael Roddan gives a chilling depiction of economic manoeuvres, both past and present, undertaken by the Indonesian government in a bid to marginalise the indigenous Papuans. From the transmigration program, to the rural-urban divide and the permitted acts of multinational corporations in the region, Australia’s passive stance in the face of multiple human rights violations is questioned.
Just some 300km north of our borders human rights violations are being committed on a vast scale [APR editor’s note: Roddan, the author, means north of Australia, MDN]. Torture, rape, extrajudicial killings, false imprisonment, and violent suppression of peaceful demonstrations are happening en masse, and it’s all being carried out in West Papua – one of Australia’s closest neighbours.’
Read more: The Role of Multinational Oil and Mining Companies in the Genocide and Economic Marginalisation of the People of West Papua

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