The Stupid Party Strikes Again

There’s an old saying in libertarian circles: the GOP is the stupid party. The release of the House Committee report on Benghazi this week is the latest evidence in favor of this thesis. Since terrorists attacked a diplomatic compound and a CIA annex on September 11, 2012, Republicans have used the incident to engage in one their favorite sports, bashing Hillary.

There’s a reason why the GOP has survived this long as a major party in spite of its lack of tangible accomplishments for decades. The party ostensibly is supposed to serve as a counterweight to the Democrats, the party of progressivism with its ideology of endless government expansion into all areas of life. However, the GOP has failed to do so and even grows the government whenever it can, for example, during the last Bush Administration. Having failed to roll back major progressive programs installed by the Democrats in the last 100 years, and implicitly and in practice sharing the Democrats’ preference for big government, how do the Republicans market this pointless me-tooism to the rank and file?

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Thus, with Libya, the GOP attacks the Democrats for not putting enough resources into the war and not having made provisions for staying around longer after Gaddafi was deposed. They say the same about Iraq and are still heard to complain that the problem with Vietnam was that, after dropping more bombs than were dropped in World War II, spending hundreds of billions of dollars and after a million people died, the insufficient force was used. The stupid party indeed.

What do libertarians call the Democrats? The evil party. Are Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton responsible for the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi? Of course, they are. These two plotted, planned and executed an illegal invasion of a country, causing murder, mayhem, and chaos of the kind that occurred on September 11, 2012. The stupid party can’t even see a war crime when it is right in front of their faces.

Reprinted with the author’s permission.

The post The Stupid Party Strikes Again appeared first on LewRockwell.

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