The Trump Revolution

Beating the Hillary Hate Brigades (HHB) to the punch with what appears to be the first book published about the political rise of Donald Trump, Ilana Mercer has written an insightful short history of the ascendancy of “The Donald” entitled The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction DeconstructedThe HHB in the media will undoubtedly do its best to rewrite history (i.e., lie) when it comes to how Donald Trump repeatedly exposed them as mostly a bunch of frauds, imposters, and biased political hacks during the primary campaign season. The Trump Revolution sets the record straight on all of this, and more, in thirty-one short chapters, and will be a valuable – and entertaining — fact-check resource.

Why the entire Washington establishment, including the bigwigs of both parties, hate, and fear Trump is clearly explained by quoting the candidate’s own words.  He opposed the invasion of Iraq and said the war was a terrible mistake; he favors liberalizing relations with Cuba;  denounced his Republican competitors as “totally controlled by their donors, by the lobbyists, and by the special interests”; he explained that “the stock market is bloated,” thanks to the Fed; he would rather “have a great relationship with Vladimir Putin” and do business with Russians than start World War III against them; he said John McCain “is not a war hero. He is a war hero because he was captured.  I like people that weren’t captured, okay?”; he wants to enforce American immigration laws by building an even better border wall than the ones built by Clinton, Bush, and Obama (yes, Trump is not the first to have the idea); and he shocked and offended the liberal media by declaring that he does everything in his power to pay as little tax as possible. 

On this, there can be no compromise with the neocons.  They know this, which is why they have been comically and frantically searching for someone – anyone – even supporting the hapless Gary Johnson – to disrupt the election and hand over the White House to fellow neocon establishmentarian, Hillary Clinton.

Mercer does not think that Trump is an ideological protectionist in the mold of a Pat Buchanan or the president of the AFL-CIO.  Instead, he mostly opposes crony capitalist “trade agreements” Like NAFTA, which was written by corporate, union, and environmentalist lobbyists under the direction of Bill and Hillary Clinton and their trade representative, Mickey Kantor.  There is no way on earth that several thousand pages of fine print authored by such a gang of crooks and conmen could conceivably be construed as “free trade.”  Trump sees it as the mercantilist claptrap that it is, and wants to scrap it.

If there is to be a “Trump Revolution” it will start with American foreign policy, says Mercer.  Donald Trump is serious when he says American foreign policy should benefit Americans first, last, and foremost.  He wants to “get the U.S. out of the nation-building business” and “pursue peace and prosperity, not war.”  He said this in a CNN interview, which of course outraged – outraged!! – the Washington establishment which enriches itself on war.

He has complained that “our allies are not paying their fair share” for their own defense and should be told to “pony up” and questions the existence of NATO.  Trump has thrown down the gauntlet, says Mercer, for “Trump’s triumph would mark the end of the neocons as a viable political force on the Right.”

Amen, Sister ilana.

The post The Trump Revolution appeared first on LewRockwell.

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