The Truth About the Trans Movement

It’s often been observed that revolutions that profess liberty end up as tyrannies. It’s what Edmund Burke predicted in his Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790). It’s the central message of George Orwell’s Animal Farm (1945). ‘All modern revolutions have ended in a reinforcement of the power of the state’, reflected Albert Camus in L’Homme révolté (1951), ‘1789 brings Napoleon; 1848 Napoleon III; 1917 Stalin; the Italian disturbances of the Twenties, Mussolini; the Weimar Republic, Hitler’. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

This is because revolutions are driven by the desire for power, and once this power is tasted, the thirst for it can never be satiated. Were the Star Wars films to accord with the rules of history, having defeated the Empire, the rebellion would itself eventually become corrupt and despotic. All noble revolutionaries eventually become seduced by the dark side.

Movements that begin with dreams of liberation end up in bullying and the pursuit of vengeance. It is thus with the grim inevitability that one observes how the struggle for sexual liberation on behalf of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community has started to assume illiberal tendencies.

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There was a need for gay liberation when homosexual acts were illegal and gays were beaten up on account of their sexuality. But ever since homosexuality became normalised – gay marriage cementing this transformation – and now homosexuality and gender fluidity is fashionable among the young, there is no rational need for a sexual liberation movement anymore.

Yet still, it continues, driven by its will to power. This momentum made itself evident some years ago with complaints about bakers refusing to make cakes for gay couples, and Christian owners of bed and breakfasts turning down custom from homosexuals. Such complaints seemed petty, which is why only a modicum of the fuss was made about them at the time. It’s a shame the law should be invoked to punish small businesses run by people with antiquated prejudices. But in the end, so what?

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