This Australian Precinct Has Reduced Food Waste By 90% In Recent Years

‘Food waste is a big issue, especially in first-world nations such as the U.S.A., where 40% of the food produced and purchased is thrown in the trash and tossed into landfills. With 795 million people still going to bed hungry each night, this catastrophe shouldn’t still exist – yet it does.
Some initiatives have been introduced in recent years to reduce the amount of food populations waste, but none have been as effective as what a precinct in Australia has employed.
ABC News (Australia) reports that the Degraves Street Precinct city of Melbourne, Australia, has reduced its food waste by 90% by implementing an innovative food waste recycling program. Reportedly, 5,500 pounds of food scraps from 90 businesses have been dehydrated and turned into fertilizer for gardens and parks throughout the city.’
Read more: This Australian Precinct Has Reduced Food Waste By 90% In Recent Years

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