This Video of Anti-Hillary Protestors in a ‘Free Speech Cage at the DNC is a Truly pathetic Image of Modern American ‘Freedom’

‘Congress shall make no law… but they shall erect a “free speech cage”.
Yeah, this really looks like freedom. Look at these people. Is this a zoo, you might ask?
No. It’s protesters exercising their First Amendment rights to shout “Hell no, DNC! We won’t vote for Hillary!” over and over outside the corrupt dog and pony show that is the Democratic National Convention — in a rusty metal cage that looks like something out of the horror film Silent Hill.
What a sad, pathetic testament to modern American “freedom” this is.’

Read more: This Video of Anti-Hillary Protestors in a ‘Free Speech Cage at the DNC is a Truly pathetic Image of Modern American ‘Freedom’

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