TIME magazine stupidly blames anti-vaccine immigration detention center workers for measles outbreak, ignoring infected migrants spreading disease

‘TIME magazine, along with several other mainstream media sources, is blaming a recent measles outbreak in Arizona on unvaccinated workers at an immigration detention center located near Phoenix, but is the story accurate?
The mainstream press version of the story claims that what’s being called “the largest measles outbreak in the U.S.,” was not caused by illegal immigrants being held at the Eloy Detention Center, but rather by workers there who refused to receive MMR vaccinations.
In their reporting on the issue, TIME and other media outlets are simply parroting government and Big Pharma vaccine propaganda, while ignoring the real story regarding this particular outbreak – as well as the bigger questions regarding vaccine safety and efficacy in general.’
Read more: TIME magazine stupidly blames anti-vaccine immigration detention center workers for measles outbreak, ignoring infected migrants spreading disease

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