Trump’s Biggest Scam: Fooling His Voters into Thinking He’s One of Them

‘Give the guy credit. Donald Trump makes perspective — on him at least — almost inconceivable, and that’s no small accomplishment. Is he heading up or down? Polling well or poorly? Going to win or lose? Who knows? Take Nate Silver whose FiveThirtyEight website recently launched its poll of polls with The Donald having only a 19% chance of taking the presidency. Silver was remarkably on target in election years 2008 and 2012, but he’s been off when it comes to Trump (and he’s hardly alone), so who really has a clue what that 19% may really mean on November 8th?
For months and months, Trump has performed a masterful version of media jiu-jitsu, leveraging the interest in him from what seems like every journalist, newspaper, website, and cable news network on Earth into more free publicity and coverage than any individual may ever have gotten. It’s been impossible to escape the man.’
Read more: Trump’s Biggest Scam: Fooling His Voters into Thinking He’s One of Them

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