TV Reporter Arrested and Chained to Bench When Trying to Investigate Suspicious Police Practices

This reminds me of another public meeting in 2008 …
David Icke Banned from ‘Big Brother’ Public Meeting with Bob Geldof and David Davis

‘Today, David Icke attended the Hull Guildhall with a resident from the Haltemprice and Howden constituency, with tickets booked through the local Conservative Party in her name, to see the presentation of David Davis and Bob Geldof on ‘civil liberties’.
The resident was told, as was everyone else, that this was a public debate open to anyone so long as they had a ticket booked. The event was advertised as such on the David Davis website.
But as soon as the David Davis minders saw David Icke everything changed. Suddenly it was a ‘private’ event that only invited people could attend. This was an outrageous untruth.’
Read more …

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