US Trying to Sabotage the Nicaragua Grand Canal being built by China’s HKND Group?

‘On June 14 a group of Americans were deported after the authorities deemed their actions to be sufficiently suspicious. Two of them worked for US Customs and Border Protection and tried to “inspect” the work of the Nicaraguan customs agency without permission from the Nicaraguan government.
They had also taken steps to obtain information about shipments of military equipment from Russia, including plans to import T-72 tanks. The US embassy in Managua protested the expulsions and explained that their “inspectors” were interested in restricted-access sites simply as part of their mission to combat international terrorism.
Also deported from the country was Evan Ellis, a professor at the US Army War College, who had arrived in Nicaragua at the same time as the “inspectors” and, like them, had been staying at the Hilton Princess hotel.’
Read more: US Trying to Sabotage the Nicaragua Grand Canal being built by China’s HKND Group?

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