VIP child sex abuse: 14 new corruption inquiries leveled against London police

‘British police are alleged to have covered up cases of child sex abuse perpetrated by VIPs over a 40-year period. The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) has launched 14 new inquiries into Metropolitan Police conduct.
The IPCC now has 45 investigations into alleged police cover-ups underway, all of which involve “prominent individuals” in British society.
They also share in common “allegations of corruption in the Metropolitan Police Service relating to child sex offences dating from the 1970s to the 2000s,” the IPCC said in a statement.
“They all concern allegations of suppressing evidence, hindering or halting investigations, or covering up alleged offences because of the involvement of prominent individuals or police officers.”’
Read more: VIP child sex abuse: 14 new corruption inquiries leveled against London police

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