We’re One Step Closer To Detecting Pesticides And GMOs With Smartphones

‘The growing interest in biodetection from consumers has reached a global audience. Detecting genetically modified organisms and pesticides in very low concentrations with smartphones will one day be a reality. An international team of researchers led by Ivo Stassen and Rob Ameloot from KU Leuven, Belgium, have began to pave the way to possibilities that we only dreamed of a decade ago.
Every human being on Earth, whether living in a rural or isolated area, in the middle of a large city, or near an industrialized area, now contains at least 700 contaminants in their body including pesticides, pthalates, benzenes, parabens, xylenes and many other carcinogenic and endocrine disrupting chemicals.
We are being bombarded on a daily basis by an astronomical level of toxicity, all controlled by chemical terrorists on behalf of the food industry. Moreover, many of these toxins affect our fertility and those of successive generations.’
Read more: We’re One Step Closer To Detecting Pesticides And GMOs With Smartphones

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