When David Icke met the arrogance of ignorance on Channel 9 in Australia – and wasn’t having it

‘Well-known conspiracy theorist David Icke has clashed with TODAY Show hosts Karl Stefanovic and Lisa Wilkinson over the origins of the moon and the existence of aliens.
The former sports journalist, in Australia for a series of talks as part of his ‘World Wide Wake Up Tour’, claims the September 11 attacks were an inside job and says aliens secretly live amongst us in “human form”.
“What’s the go with aliens then can you give us an indication of what’s happening?” co-host Karl Stefanovic asked.’

Read more: When David Icke met the arrogance of ignorance on Channel 9 in Australia – and wasn’t having it
Date: 13 Jul 2016 23:45
Subject: Daily Mail article
Hi guys … in case you haven’t seen some of the amazingly supportive comments under the Daily Mail article on David today, I thought I’d send you an example. Such a huge shift now (from the early days when we saw him talk in a scout hut in Burgess Hill to an audience of 60!). Keep up the great work : )
Comment: Mehere, Aberdeen, 7 hours ago:
To reduce all that David Icke has to say to the level of ‘lizards controlling the world’ is like Einstein receiving a school report saying ‘Albert is quite good at physics, but needs to tame his rather unruly hairstyle’. Read one of David’s many amazing books, containing mindblowingly detailed research – which can all be backed up if you care to check it out – then make an INFORMED judgement on what this man has to say. Seen him speak on the Isle of Wight earlier this year; the guy is a living legend. He is an incredibly good speaker, and yet humblingly self-effacing when it’s time to take a bow. Hats off to him for having the courage of his convictions and the selflessness to devote his life to enlightening others. Big respect always, David.
The Daily Mail article here …
Cheers Sarah

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