Who is Behind the Cholera Epidemic in Haiti?

‘A recent article noted that ”Congress faults Obama for not being tough with UN over Haiti’s cholera crisis ”
Here is my analysis again on the whole futility of the Concannon-Kurzban cholera case that’s really another fundraising boon for the 28 billion per year humanitarian industry, on another Haiti crisis.
The article is about a congressional letter sent to Obama where because a “bipartisan group of 158 members of Congress are ‘deeply concerned’ that the US did not treat the UN’s refusal to accept responsibility for the outbreak with enough urgency.” Now, we all know that Obama was selected, as Minister Farrakhan points out, to run white affairs. Most of these politicians in Congress are there running the government for the one percent. Long ago, HLLN stopped appealing to the destroyers, whose function in our society must be redefined, restructured.’
Read more: Who is Behind the Cholera Epidemic in Haiti?

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