Why US Military Weapons Always End up in Enemy Hands: Pure Stupidity or By Intentional Design?

‘The bitter irony continues. While the latest over-the-top ploy to confiscate our guns domestically has the feds sloppily staging yet another mass shooting with no proof anyone died in Orlando – the biggest in US history at that, overseas they can’t seem to give away US guns and arms fast enough to America’s so-called enemies. What’s up with that?
In the latest “we can’t find our weapons” saga, this time it’s the CIA’s turn to embarrassingly admit that a 2013 secret arms deal with our Middle East buddy Saudi Arabia that goes by the code name Timber Sycamore has gone awry the last three years. It seems that millions of dollars’ worth of lethal weapons that were supposed to end up in possession of those “moderate Syrian rebels,” you know the “good guy” terrorists fighting ISIS [and Assad] in Syria, were “misplaced” onto the black market by way of Jordanian intelligence officers in charge of delivering the goods who covertly support the Sunni Islamic State terrorists. In another episode of Fast and Furious Part Two, US supplied guns were once again used to kill Americans. ‘
Read more: Why US Military Weapons Always End up in Enemy Hands: Pure Stupidity or By Intentional Design?

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