Woman overtreated for thyroid cancer was isolated in lead-lined room for three days because she was emitting so much radiation

‘Lois Lunsk underwent surgery nine years ago to remove her thyroid and a number of lymph nodes. Following the operation, she was given a dose of radioactive iodine capsules and forced to spend three days in isolation in a room lined with lead, because her body was emitting such a high amount of radiation.
Her treatment was considered state-of-the-art at the time, but by today’s standards, it can only be described as overzealous. The radioactive iodine capsules she was given were double the current maximum, and patients who get the same treatment for her condition are now normally home from the hospital within a day.’
Read more: Woman overtreated for thyroid cancer was isolated in lead-lined room for three days because she was emitting so much radiation

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