After Iraq’s military defeat, Monsanto swept in to seize control of all agriculture

‘There is little that agribusiness giant Monsanto won’t do to make a buck and to spread it’s genetically modified, unclean seeds and food around the world, even if it means taking advantage of a country that has been decimated by war.
As reported recently by Mint Press News, with the assistance of the U.S. government, Iraq’s seed and agriculture industry was decimated by Monsanto and other U.S. corporations. In May 2003, after the second Iraq war officially ended, American diplomat Paul Bremer was appointed to head up an occupational authority, which was essentially the controlling arm of Iraq. During his tenure he issued 100 orders that established a rebuilding strategy, which included Order 81 titled, “Patent, Industrial Design, Undisclosed Information, Integrated Circuits and Plant Variety Law.’
Read more: After Iraq’s military defeat, Monsanto swept in to seize control of all agriculture

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