Beware the Academic Zika Virus

By now just about everyone has heard of the zika virus, transmitted by mosquitos, which is said to cause brain damage in children.  As worrisome as this is, an even bigger brain damage threat to young people is what I call the academic zika virus, transmitted by left-wing, politically-correct “educators.”  There are exceptions, but undergraduate education in America has become one big socialist indoctrination academy that fills students’ heads with cultural Marxist myths, superstitions, and falsehoods while inculcating an infantile culture that teaches students to run crying to “safe rooms” if a dissenting voice should somehow appear on campus.  All of this can be yours for a mere 50 grand a year at many universities.

Send your son or daughter off to a college or university this fall and they will discover that there is no greater cause than supporting the ideas of Comrade Bernie Sanders, the proud socialist who tried to become president by offering lots of free stuff, Santa Clause style, to America’s youth, who voted for him by the millions.

Your child is not likely to be taught the eternal economic truth that there is no such thing as a free lunch; that  neither university professors

This totalitarian attack on academic freedom and free speech has now become routine in America’s socialist indoctrination academies, who have adopted the advice of the old Marxist Herbert Marcuse, who began arguing in the 1960s that only “the oppressed” in society deserve free speech.  Allowing “the oppressors” to speak freely only exacerbates the amount of “oppression” in society.  A devoted communist, Marcuse wanted to ban all criticisms of communism on college campuses, and he has succeeded to a very large extent.

There are islands of sanity in the sea of insanity that is the American academic world.  Economic departments tend to be not quite as crazy as some other disciplines, and if your son or daughter is a serious engineering or pre-med student, he or she will spend less time being brainwashed by leftists who dominate the social sciences and the humanities.  Even so, they will most likely be treated like skunks at a picnic if they voice “politically incorrect” opinions to their classmates.

Now sit down and write that $50,000 tuition check; school starts right after Labor [Union] Day.

The post Beware the Academic Zika Virus appeared first on LewRockwell.

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