Cell Towers and Cellphones. Microwave Radiation, Electromagnetic Pollution, Impacts on Human Health

‘We live in the information age when we’re bombarded every single day with incoming data to process and interpret whether it’s true or not. Because the government and mainstream media have an agenda of false narratives and disinformation propaganda to willfully keep people confused in the dark, the American public is starved for the truth and in record numbers has sought it from alternative media outlets on the World Wide Web.
To circumvent people from grasping the full implications of the ruling elite’s control agenda, hundreds of government shills and internet trolls have been deployed, saturating the net with the expressed purpose of muddying the waters, creating disinfo fog of war to obscure, bury and withhold vital information and knowledge from being accessed and fully grasped by the global masses. ‘
Read more: Cell Towers and Cellphones. Microwave Radiation, Electromagnetic Pollution, Impacts on Human Health

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