Children’s Exposure Guidelines To EMF Radiofrequencies Updated By ANSES

‘In France, there’s a governmental agency called ANSES that deals with health issues, e.g., food, environmental and occupational health safety, established July 1, 2010, incorporating and/or taking over two previous government agencies: the French Food Safety Agency (AFSSA) and the French Agency for Environmental and Occupational Health Safety (AFSSET). ANSES is the acronym for Administración Nacional de la Seguridad Social in the French language.
ANSES is an international player, which participates in European and international organizations projects plus the development of scientific cooperation with key partners abroad….
…Rather recently (July 2016), ANSES issued the report “Exposure of children to radiofrequencies: a call for moderate and supervised use of wireless technologies,”… , which seems to be an update attempt on previous similar reports issued in 2013 and 2009 referenced here.’
Read more: Children’s Exposure Guidelines To EMF Radiofrequencies Updated By ANSES

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