Chinese Government Buys Syngenta: Massive Pesticide, Biotech and Pharma Mergers

‘China National Chemical (ChemChina) is a chemical corporation owned by the Chinese government. Syngenta is one of the world’s largest producers of pesticides, GM technology, seeds, and other biotech products similar to Monsanto or Bayer Crop Science.
ChemChina has been bidding for Syngenta for a few months now, seeking to take the corporation out from the hands of Novartis, the world’s largest pharmaceutical corporation, which owns Syngenta and created Syngenta out of corporate mergers in 2000.
Now a powerful U.S. panel has approved of the deal: ChemChina is set to purchase Syngenta for $43 billion.’
Read more: Chinese Government Buys Syngenta: Massive Pesticide, Biotech and Pharma Mergers

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