Complacent About the Lack of Hurricanes?

Hurricanes are probably one of the most common disasters that preppers will face. They can destroy homes, cut off utilities, hinder essential services, block roads, and cause widespread panic among unprepared citizens who often strip store shelves bare before the storm arrives. One way to look at this is that hurricanes provide a localized version of the social collapse scenarios that preppers often worry about. So if there’s a silver lining in this type of disaster, at least it gives us an opportunity to try out some of our preps in a real world disaster.

In case you haven’t noticed, though, it doesn’t seem like there have been very many hurricanes lately. There have been a few small ones, sure. Aside from Hurricane Sandy, however, which was a category 2 storm when it made landfall in the United States, these storms haven’t been making many headlines in recent years.

The post Complacent About the Lack of Hurricanes? appeared first on LewRockwell.

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