Cop Loses it, Shoots Up Church in Rampage Over Violence Toward Police — NO CHARGES

‘A 27-year-old deputy was arrested after he admitted to getting drunk and unloading pistols into a Presbyterian church. Instead of facing charges for dangerously discharging a firearm in public, Sommervell County Sheriff’s Deputy, William Cox was set free.
The incident began on July 13 when officers responded to a 9-1-1 call about a maniac shooting up a church. When police arrived they found Cox drunk in the parking lot, who immediately admitted to the crime.
Cox is seen on an officer’s body cam saying he fired the shots “cause my boys are getting killed in Dallas” and said, “the black coon started killing my boys.”’
Read more: Cop Loses it, Shoots Up Church in Rampage Over Violence Toward Police — NO CHARGES

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