Doctors, accountants, ministers, lawyers, demonstrators – they’re all government agents as America descends into total police state

‘The United States government has long employed undercover agents to conduct investigative work, but in the past these practices were generally limited to law enforcement agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
It has been revealed recently, however, that more than 40 federal agencies are now conducting their own undercover operations, and it may come as a surprise to many people just how widespread the practice has become.
For example, the Agriculture Department has more than 100 undercover agents who pose as food stamp recipients in an effort to catch those involved in fraud. The Supreme Court employs undercover agents to pose as protesters during demonstrations, and the IRS sends agents into the field to catch tax evaders.’
Read more: Doctors, accountants, ministers, lawyers, demonstrators – they’re all government agents as America descends into total police state

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