Don’t Tread on This

Hey, did you know the federal government says that one of this nation’s own Revolutionary War flags is basically “hate speech”? That would be the Gadsden Flag, the familiar “Don’t Tread On Me” flag that is quite popular right now. See here.

Ok, as I have said here before, I don’t like to get into “diversity” issues. I find most of them can be traced back to “activists” that have nothing better to do than find “hate” in everything from TV commercials to breakfast foods. But, look, people need to grow up and get over it. What, the Gadsden Flag is “hate speech” because people you don’t agree with fly it? I think you’ll find a lot of people you also don’t agree with fly the current American flag, too. The Ku Klux Klan and various American neo-Nazi parties have all carried the good old Stars and Stripes. Therefore, does that make the Stars and Stripes “hate speech”, too?

committees, private research contractors, university studies, and so on. All because probably a few well-connected (to the Democrats, obviously) activists decided to raise a stink about it. Again, our government wastes enough money without people putting forth reasons to waste more and probably form some new government agencies to boot. So I’m going to tell you straight: No one is more special than anyone else. We’re all human beings and the sooner we see ourselves as equal to one another, the sooner that will be the norm and not the exception.

The ironic thing is, the government has just succeeded in entrenching the Gadsden Flag as a symbol of resistance to the government more than it already is. They probably boosted the sales of it, too. People will be flying that flag who normally couldn’t have cared less, just because they know the government is whining about it. So, yeah, hey federal government: Don’t tread on this.

The post Don’t Tread on This appeared first on LewRockwell.

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