Early Voting

Originally published by AmmoLand.com.

USA –  Judicial Watch has joined with the Allied Educational Foundation (AEF) in filing an amici curiae brief with the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit arguing that the court should reverse a lower court that struck down an Ohio law shortening the state’s absentee voting period from 35 to 29 days (Ohio Democratic Party v. Husted (No. 16-3561).

This reduction had the effect of eliminating the inaptly named “Golden Week,” a period of early voting in which Ohioans could also register to vote.

Ohio requires all voters to register 30 days before the election. It allows all voters to vote absentee over a 29-day period. It also gives all voters 13 hours to vote on election day.

The district court decided that a reduction in early voting from 35 to 29 days would disproportionately burden African Americans because of the reduction of opportunities to vote.Amici respectfully submit that this Court should not affirm the judgment of the district court. If it were to do so, this Court risks issuing a judgment that is not only wrong, but perverse, in that it might lead to lower voter turnout in direct contravention of one of the basic purposes of the Voting Rights Act.

Early voting is a bad public policy that increases costs, increases the likelihood of fraud, and confuses voters – leading to depressed voter turnout. It is absurd and dishonest to suggest racism being behind the sensible reform of cutting early voting down from a ridiculous 35 days before Election Day.

The Allied Educational Foundation is a charitable and educational foundation dedicated to improving the quality of life through education. We have frequently partnered with AEF to fight government and judicial corruption and to promote a return to ethics and morality in the nation’s public life.

“Because No One Is Above The Law”

Tom FittonPresidentJudicial Watch

Reprinted with permission from AmmoLand.com.

The post Early Voting appeared first on LewRockwell.

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