Fukushima’s radiation still so potent that even robots can’t survive

‘The site at which three Fukushima Daiichi reactors melted down in Japan more than six years ago remains a complete disaster zone, unsuitable for both humans and the electronic devices they have created. Though a massive cleanup is still underway, a lot must be done before the area can safely host human life again.
New information reveals that the radiation in the disaster zone is still so high that specialized robots built to assist in the cleanup are unable to function. Electronics designed by Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) and Toshiba have failed to perform the job they were created to do as a result of excessive radiation levels.
“The robots are designed to ‘swim’ in the radiated pools where the radioactive fuel rods are located, to search for and recover them,” according to Fukushima Update.’
Read more: Fukushima’s radiation still so potent that even robots can’t survive

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