General Mills Sued Regarding Weed Killer In Nature Valley Granola Bars

‘When is the word “natural” misleading in advertising? That’s the basis for a lawsuit filed August 25, 2016 against General Mills, maker of the brand Nature Valley Granola Bars, who label their products’ packages with the words “Made with 100% NATURAL whole grain OATS.” The lawsuit was filed by Beyond Pesticides, Moms Across America, and Organic Consumers Association using the Richman Law Group [1] in Washington, DC, citing the District of Columbia’s Consumer Protection Procedure Act.
Glyphosate, a key herbicide chemical active in several commercial and agricultural herbicides, has been found in General Mills’ natural granola bars. Since when is a man-made toxic chemical considered natural? So, three consumer groups filed a lawsuit and rightfully so, I think.’
Read more: General Mills Sued Regarding Weed Killer In Nature Valley Granola Bars

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