Greek ‘Thought Police’ Prosecute Bishop For (Accurately) Calling ‘Refugees’, ‘Illegal Migrants’

‘The Minister for Immigration Affairs himself, repeatedly stated that 50% to 70% of migratory flows to Greece were illegal migrants and the rest were refugees. The illegal migrants come from 77 different countries.
If it is a “racist crime” for a citizen to express accurately the percentages of refugees and illegal migrants entering the country, what will come next, the Thought Police?
The real reason for prosecuting Bishop Markos, it seems, is that the government expects that Turkey’s migration deal with the EU will collapse, and that if it does, the migrant flows in the coming months will increase dramatically. The government, according to some members in the opposition, has no friendly way to manage illegal migration and therefore prefers to impose restrictions on freedom of speech and prosecute anyone who objects.’
Read more: Greek ‘Thought Police’ Prosecute Bishop For (Accurately) Calling ‘Refugees’, ‘Illegal Migrants’

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