Health and Wellness from the Elderberry

Elderberry, scientific nameSambucus nigra, comes from the elder tree, which is native to Europe and parts of Asia and Africa. It also grows across the United States and Canada. Many cultures have appreciated and relied on the elder tree for everything from musical instruments to food and medicine. In medieval Europe, the elder tree was revered as holy and reputed to have health-preserving and restorative properties.[1] For centuries, folk remedies in the form of teas, poultices, creams, and salves have all been produced from the elderberry and used to encourage good health, alleviate respiratory distress, and soothe irritated skin.

Alternatively called the “tree of music,” the wood from the elder tree is hard and well-suited for making instruments. The genus name, Sambucus, actually comes from the flutes the ancient Greeks carved from hollowed elder tree stems. The Sambuca, a large triangular harp from Europe, was also named after the tree from which it came.[2] Woven baskets are another common use for elder wood; twigs are soaked in elderberry dye, dried, and then woven into designs with other twigs of contrasting colors. Other uses for elderberry wood include blowguns, combs, pegs, arrow shafts, and spindles for spinning yarn.[1] rigorous research is necessary to verify these claims. Scientists have noticed a decrease in congestion and symptom duration when conventional therapies are supplemented with elderberry. The compounds in elderberries and elderflowers may reduce mucosal membrane inflammation and help alleviate congestion.[9]

In one study, subjects suffering from influenza-like symptoms were given elderberry syrup. Those who consumed the elderberry noticed significant symptom relief about 4 days earlier than the subjects given a placebo.[7] A similar study found that subjects given elderberry extract improved within a 48-hour period. More than a quarter of all subject were completely void of symptoms, and over half showed significant improvement. Only 16% of the placebo group reported improvements and none experienced a complete recovery.[14]

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